Zuckerberg apologises for infringement

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has admitted that the social network mistakes.By mistakes that led to millions of facebook users having their data exploited by a political consultancy.

In a statement ,he said a breach of trust had occurred.In interview with CNN he said he was really sorry  pledged to take action against rogue apps.

He again said that he was happy to testify before congress if it's the right thing to do.

He promised to make it far harder for apps to harvest user information.Mark Zuckerberg said"We have a responsibility to protect  your data ,and if we can't then we don't deserve to serve you.

Solution of this problems ...

  • Investigate all facebook apps that had access to large amounts of information before the platfrom was changed to dramatically reduce data in 2014 .
  • conduct full fornsic audit of any app with suspicious activity .
  • Ban any developer  that did not agree to through audit.
  • ban developer who misused personally idenrifiable information. 

Mark Zuckerberg added While this specific issue involving cambridge.Zuckerberg admitted multiple times through out the twenty minute interview that facebook had major mistakes in the building of its social platfrom going as far back as 2007.He told CNN "I'm not sure we shouldn't be regulated".
On the basic side there are things like ads transparency regulationthat i would love to see that.If you should have the same level of transpareny requires.

He reiterated these comments in an interview with Wired .He referred to the honest in an ad act a bill proposed in 2017.

Mark Zuckerberg was really worried about that.But he investigate all facebook apps that had access to large amount of information.

Mark Zuckerberg talks to wired about facebook's privacy problems.He also reckoning  this is a  major trust issue .The Cambridge analytica scandal has halted mark zuckerberg.Facebook CEo mark Zuckerberg fresh off of not apologizing for the social media giant failure to prevent sketchy election data firm cambridge from partnering with a similarly app.Facebook CEo mark zuckerberg breaks silence on breach of trust between social network and users.

Facebook gave data about 57bn friendships to academic.Facebook suspended Aleksandr Kogan from its platfrom for the data harvesting scam at the unfolding Cambridge Analytica scandal company enjoyed a close enough relationship with the ,aggregate dataest of 57 bn facebook friendship.

Facebook relationship with Kogan has soured.For many facebook user a last straw that led them to quit.

Mark Zuckerberg posted in facebook page"We have a responsibility to protect your data and if we can not then we do not deserve to serve you"

He added that in facebook page ""I want to thank all of you who continue in our mission and work to build this community together .I know it takes longer to fix all these issues than we would like,but I promise you we'll work through this and build a better service over the long term"
Zuckerberg apologises for infringement Zuckerberg apologises for infringement Reviewed by Mahedy on March 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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